
Dansk Forening for Radiologisk Mammadiagnostik

- en forening for alle med interesse for mammadiagnostik.

DFRM er en kontingentfri

forening og kontakten

foregår via mail.

Husk derfor at meddele ændringer i mail-adresser til: ilse.vejborg@rh.regionh.dk

Med venlig hilsen

Ilse Vejborg

Formand DFRM

Formandens beretning



DFRM kan kontaktes på formandens mailadresse: ilse.vejborg@regionh.dk

Nyt fra Eusobi

Nyeste revision af European Guidelines


Nyeste Eusoma Guidelines


EUSOBI women's information papers

Please find below the links to the already published women's info papers:


MRI: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00330-015-3807-z

Screening statementhttp://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00330-016-4612-z

European Diploma in Breast Imaging

The EDBI confirms specific competence of radiologists to perform, interpret and report mammography, ultrasound, MRI and breast intervention.

Please find further details on the EUSOBI website: http://www.eusobi.org/cms/website.php?id=/en/index/diploma.htm